publications, books. click on the red text to go to Blurb books.
A Man Walks Out Of A Bar...
Traffic Lights. 1981
McDonald's Corner
Fringes And Backgrounds
My Relationship With Henri Cartier-Bresson 1986-1992. 2015
the story so far
My Invented Family
Marble Art Ltd.
Gdby Pk P
Family Headstone Photographs
Rubbings. 1998/99
The FIRST slip box. His private life.
His Invented World
-World events and world figures, 1940.
-Maps and lists of the administrations of the imaginary countries.
-The complete: adult - armies and administration, with information on the reverse of these illustrations.
-The complete: infant and adolescent-armies and administration with information on reverse.
-The army chiefs of all nations.
-History of The Wars 1941-42.
-The newspapers documenting The Wars.
The remainder of his private life.
-Manila folder.
-Death notices, eulogies
-Model cars, games ( from youth. )
-Culture ( concert programmes. )
-Box ( random objects. )
-All photos of cars owned throughout the years.
-Cars 2
-Artistic impulses ( drawings, paintings and photographs from infancy onwards )
-Pets ( dog and cats. )
-Gerald and Fausta.
-Friends in youth.
-Interior and exterior of home, ( including social occasions )
-Books in bookcases, from number 459 .
-Images by Lucien Rizos of the unoccupied house,
-Books and favoured objects at Rita Angus Retirement home room 340.
-Traffic infringements.
-Song Lyrics
-Small photo collection.
-Photo album 1
-Bits and pieces
-Playing cards
-Artistic impulses. Photography.
-Christmas, birthday, and anniversary cards
The SECOND slip box deals with his public life in politics... as a Member of Parliament and related topics.
-His own album 1 ( travels and political meetings )
-His own album 2 ( travels and political meetings )
-John Thew
-Early years in Politics. Member of Parliament, general.
- The Plot
-S I S Amendment Bill, thoughts.
- Kirk Think Tank.
- The Fight for Island Bay
-W B Sutch Assignment programme, 2000
-Former Members of Parliament
The THIRD slip box deals with his public life in general... subjects, causes, pursuits, interests.
-Business cards.
-Gerald in representation.
-Japan 1
-Japan 2
-Japan 3
-Japan 4
-Japan 5. Plus New Zealand delegations.
-Japan 6. Plus New Zealand delegations.
-Japan 7
-Hiroshima photo album
- Peace Flame
-Speeches. President of Honour Peace Council of Aotearoa New Zealand
-Peace Council of Aotearoa New Zealand
-Elgin Marbles
-Polish children
-Letters To The Editor
-Correspondence 1951-1992
-Correspondence 1993-2010
- Autobiography
Marble art Ltd
- Marble art Ltd. Product catalogues and Photographs
- John Fotiadis- IRO and immigration to New Zealand
- Marble Art Ltd. Immigration Dept. Tax Dept.
-Manila folder.
-Death notices, eulogies
-Model cars, games ( from youth. )
-Culture ( concert programmes. )
-Box ( random objects. )
-All photos of cars owned throughout the years.
-Cars 2
-Artistic impulses ( drawings, paintings and photographs from infancy onwards )
-Pets ( dog and cats. )
-Gerald and Fausta.
-Friends in youth.
-Interior and exterior of home, ( including social occasions )
-Books in bookcases, from number 459 .
-Images by Lucien Rizos of the unoccupied house,
-Books and favoured objects at Rita Angus Retirement home room 340.
-Traffic infringements.
-Song Lyrics
-Small photo collection.
-Photo album 1
-Bits and pieces
-Playing cards
-Artistic impulses. Photography.
-Christmas, birthday, and anniversary cards
The SECOND slip box deals with his public life in politics... as a Member of Parliament and related topics.
-His own album 1 ( travels and political meetings )
-His own album 2 ( travels and political meetings )
-John Thew
-Early years in Politics. Member of Parliament, general.
- The Plot
-S I S Amendment Bill, thoughts.
- Kirk Think Tank.
- The Fight for Island Bay
-W B Sutch Assignment programme, 2000
-Former Members of Parliament
The THIRD slip box deals with his public life in general... subjects, causes, pursuits, interests.
-Business cards.
-Gerald in representation.
-Japan 1
-Japan 2
-Japan 3
-Japan 4
-Japan 5. Plus New Zealand delegations.
-Japan 6. Plus New Zealand delegations.
-Japan 7
-Hiroshima photo album
- Peace Flame
-Speeches. President of Honour Peace Council of Aotearoa New Zealand
-Peace Council of Aotearoa New Zealand
-Elgin Marbles
-Polish children
-Letters To The Editor
-Correspondence 1951-1992
-Correspondence 1993-2010
- Autobiography
Marble art Ltd
- Marble art Ltd. Product catalogues and Photographs
- John Fotiadis- IRO and immigration to New Zealand
- Marble Art Ltd. Immigration Dept. Tax Dept.